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6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon...Proper Cycling One to Two!

  • 2 min read

To celebrate the arrival of Proper Cycling Issue Two, we thought we’d play a round of an office favourite: ‘6 degrees of separation’ (or '6 degrees of Kevin Bacon,’ if you prefer). 

Lisa, editor of The Simple Things, challenged me to get from Proper Cycling Issue One to Proper Cycling Issue Twoin six links. Piece of cake, says I. So, let’s go.

ONE: So, the first feature in the very first Proper Cycling takes us on the North Coast 500 cycling challenge in Scotland. The story tells of the highs and lows of the 500 mile challenge, as Paul Brett (founder of Proper Cycling) and co-rider, Christina, ride around the entire north coast of Scotland, definitively deciding that ‘west is best.’

TWO: And who else mentions the North Coast 500 route? Why, Run Wild Issue 5. Opting to drive it, rather than cycle, they hike up Sgurr a’Choire Ghairbh on the North-West coast, among herds of wild deer, golden eagles and otters, taking in the scenery as ‘the mountains rise straight from the lochs.’ Issue 5 of Run Wild is a limited edition run of 500 with solid brass bindings and fold out covers showing panoramic landscapes of the Scottish Highlands, the Atlas Mountains, Monument Valley and Bryce Canyon in the US. It’s a bit special and a bit different.

THREE: The other mag whose latest issue has had a design reboot is Hole & Corner. Issue 21 embodies the restless spirit many of us have been feeling over lockdown and as well as new paper, new size and new typography, it’s beautifully bound and wrapped in a poster print by George Young. The final piece in this issue is on the amazing craftsmanship of basket-weaver Anne-Marie O’Sullivan. Based in East Sussex, she is known around the world for her bags, large-scale sculptures and avant garden lighting features.

FOUR: Slightly tenous, but weaving is also featured in the new issue of Koel! Inside, there is pattern and instructions to create your own woven wall-hanging, as well as advice on creating your own.

FIVE: Nearly there! Koel is designed and printed in Belgium, and although the ethos of Are We Europe mag is borderless stories that transcend Brexit and Brussels, everyone needs a home, and they too are based in Brussels! A lovely mag, with a different theme for each issue, the latest offering, ‘Sport,’ features an article on cycling the Transcontinental Race, which takes us triumphantly to…

SIX: Proper Cycling Two! In which, they cover cyclists’ races in the the State Bianche and the cycle-cross.

There we have it. I hope I’ve done it right. 6 great mags, all part of the wonderful web of independent magazines, (although sadly, no sign of Kevin Bacon).

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