How it works

We aim to bring you a really wide choice of independent magazines. Have a look through our categories, see our favourites on the Show Me page, and read all about some of our magazine makers in the We Heart Print section.

Only pay shipping once! - It doesn't matter how many magazines you buy, we'll only charge you £2 towards the shipping*.

We deliver quickly - we want to be a real alternative to the newsstand so if you order by 3pm we'll do our best to post to you, first class*, the same day. Should mean you'll get your magazine through the letterbox the following day.

We care - we make magaznes too, so we'll take good care of your chosen magazines - they will be packaged carefully and you will be directly supporting the new wave of independent publishers in the UK and Worldwide.

If you publish an independent magazine then head over to our Publishers page and see how we can help.

* There's always a catch! Our flat rate, first classs shipping applies to deliveries within the UK only. Overseas delivery prices are calculated based on size and weight of the order, and although we'll aim to ship the day you order, obviously overseas deliveries will take longer to arrive. 
