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Positive News

Positive News #115

Positive News is the quarterly magazine dedicated to solutions-based journalism - tackling the big issues of the world but reporting on what's being done about it, rather than the regular news that leaves you feeling like we're doomed.

Inside you'll find stories about positive social and environmental changes around the world and the people making them happen. 

From the publisher...

Cover story: Rewilding goes guerrilla

Reintroducing lost species into nature-depleted Britain involves navigating a patchwork of laws that can take years. It’s time that we don’t have, say a growing movement of guerrilla rewilders, who are secretly breeding butterflies, birds and beavers, and illegally releasing them across the country. Are they halting the tide of extinction, or doing more harm than good?

Other features include: The new golden age of medicine • Buildings that heal • The mighty power of beans • Saving Britain’s rarest native tree • A Finnish approach to mental healthcare • The fixing factory run by refugees • Rebuilding after an ‘honour’ killing • Charlotte Church’s life lessons

