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Mslexia 80

Just how difficult is it to earn a decent wage as an author these days? In this issue, Grace Holliday wades into the latest stats and statements of those in the know, and explores the gap between claims by the ALCS and the Publishers’ Association. If you’re champing at the bit to join the upper reaches of those earnings, Mills & Boon editor Julia Williams gives you insight into cracking the ever-popular romance market. Shaken by the stats? Take a look at Kat Sommers on whether it’s ok to give up on your WIP.

Interviews a-plenty include a peek into the career and thoughts of acclaimed non-fiction writer and neurologist Suzanne O’Sullivan; Bidisha shares what works for her writing process, and Tara Bergin tells us what disrupts hers; debut picture book writer and illustrator Kate Milner explains how her award-winning publication My Name Is Not Refugeecame into being; Kim Moore shares her experience of being trolled online, and Margaret Wilkinson examines the issue of writing ‘what you know’ when it comes to location.

We also have fresh new reviews from Angela Readman and Mary Jean Chan, a swathe of new flash fiction, memoir shorts and poetry in regular spots, and the last in some of our Off the Page columns on performance - plus, the results you’ve all been waiting for: the winners of the PBS/Mslexia Women’s Poetry Competition, as judged by Carol Ann Duffy!

And of course, much much more, including our massive directory of competitions and events, sneaky insights into how to get the most out of your competition entry or grant application, as well as more pitch feedback and our first-page surgery with experts from The Literary Consultancy.
