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Meet the MAG...Tonic

  • 2 min read

There’s nothing better than when you find a mag that feels like it was made for you. Here at Pics & Ink, it's our mission to matchmake readers and magazines. It can be hard sometimes to get the feel of a mag in a virtual world, so we’ve created this blog to show you a bit more about what’s under the covers… 

In the spirit of the fantastic podcast, Everything Is Alive (which features guests like Eugene, the tattoo, and Shannon, the bath towel), we sat down with a copy of Tonic magazine - the travel and drinking culture journal - for a little interview.

Ok, first question, Tonic. If you were a dog breed, which would you be?

St. Bernard


That was quick. Ok, who’d be at your fantasy dinner party?

Keith Floyd – He can bring the drink, then drink it!!

Ainsley Harriott – He can help save my culinary disaster

The Queen Mother – I never heard her speak. Something tells me she would have had a wicked sense of humour

Ferrero Rocher – So he can spoil us


Sounds like a hoot. What do you sing at karaoke?

Whiskey in the Jar – Thin Lizzy


Nice. What’s worth fighting for?

Equality. Our uniqueness is our strength not weakness. That, and the last piece of chicken.


Haha. Makes sense. What should everyone try once?

Proper tequila, not the “one for the road” stuff your mate brings on a tray at two o’clock in the morning when you should have left the bar ages ago.


If you had a time machine, when and where would you go?

A year before the pandemic to buy shares in Zoom, Andrex and Deliveroo


Oo. Good one. And, how would you fare in a zombie apocalypse?

Great! I'd open one of those apocalypse bars (I'm thinking a neon sign out front). I'd have my ear to the ground on all the contraband. I could get you anything you needed, for a price, of course. I'd make a killing, pun intended.


What 3 things would you want on a desert island?

Zoom, Andrex and Deliveroo. I just had Deja Vu.

Haha. Ok, last one…Who would play you in the movie of your life?

Michael Caine – Not a lot of people know that, but you did.

Ah yes, could have guessed that from your cover. Thanks so much, Tonic. Cannot wait for issue 2.

Tonic brings you great stories of drink, travel and adventure from North Korea to Champagne, Zimbabwe to Iceland. Volume 1 is a lovely balance of curiosities, (‘how much is communion wine?) and long form travel pieces. There’s such a variety, but a few highlights include the story of how IPA got its name, a trip to Haiti in search of the ‘distinctive funk’ of Haitian Rum, and a visit to Argentina’s biodynamic wine farmers.

 Inside Tonic Volume 1

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